We are pleased to announce that we have added an Investment Property Analyzer to iMax, allowing you or your clients to run the numbers on investment properties and help determine whether each property would be a good investment.
Here is what the Investment Property Analyzer looks like:
The Investment Property Analyzer is available on every iMax CMA you are working on. While you are on the main page for your CMA, choose "Investment Property Analyzer" in the edit section as shown in the screenshot below. The Investment Property Analyzer auto-calculates as you type. Once you are finished, you can print it out and include it in your CMA.
You can also provide the Investment Property Analyzer on your web site so that your clients can take advantage of it. You are able to add a link to the Investment Property Analyzer from the "Select New Section to Display" drop down menu while in edit mode. There are 2 choices; you can either add a link to the Analyzer on a full web page, or you can add a link to the Analyzer which will display as a pop-up window. Your client also has the opportunity to print their completed Investment Property Analyzer.
Questions? Feedback? Send us an email at help@imaxwebsolutions.com